Friday, February 1, 2008


Does'nt that look sinfull....people use this word so many times that its become meaningless.... but seriously look at that... that molten gush of exotic bliss..... the sight of which makes u drool
the one time that u don mind putting all your fingers into it and not thinking wat a mess.... but actually looking around to see that no ones watching...
once the eyes have feasted the aroma just makes sure u cant look anywhere else and just have to have to...
this is sinfull cause u can do anything just anything to get that one drop on your tongue... and thats not where the story ends but actually the beginning of the craving.... the sin...... the plot cause once u've tasted poison and gotten away... u just wanna have more and more to see how long u can get away with it.......
Enjoy the poison as long as you can.............................

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About Me

Its all about having fun with food. Capiche?